While generative models produce high-quality images of concepts learned from a large-scale database, a user often wishes to synthesize instantiations of their own concepts (for example, their family, pets, or items). Can we teach a model to quickly acquire a new concept, given a few examples? Furthermore, can we compose multiple new concepts together? We propose Custom Diffusion, an efficient method for augmenting existing text-to-image models. We find that only optimizing a few parameters in the text-to-image conditioning mechanism is sufficiently powerful to represent new concepts while enabling fast tuning ( 6 minutes). Additionally, we can jointly train for multiple concepts or combine multiple fine-tuned models into one via closed-form constrained optimization. Our fine-tuned model generates variations of multiple new concepts and seamlessly composes them with existing concepts in novel settings. Our method outperforms or performs on par with several baselines and concurrent works in both qualitative and quantitative evaluations while being memory and computationally efficient.
@inproceedings{kumari2023multi,title={Multi-concept customization of text-to-image diffusion},author={Kumari, Nupur and Zhang, Bingliang and Zhang, Richard and Shechtman, Eli and Zhu, Jun-Yan},booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},pages={1931--1941},year={2023},tag1={CVPR},}
Ablating concepts in text-to-image diffusion models
Large-scale text-to-image diffusion models can generate high-fidelity images with powerful compositional ability. However, these models are typically trained on an enormous amount of Internet data, often containing copyrighted material, licensed images, and personal photos. Furthermore, they have been found to replicate the style of various living artists or memorize exact training samples. How can we remove such copyrighted concepts or images without retraining the model from scratch? To achieve this goal, we propose an efficient method of ablating concepts in the pretrained model, i.e., preventing the generation of a target concept. Our algorithm learns to match the image distribution for a target style, instance, or text prompt we wish to ablate to the distribution corresponding to an anchor concept. This prevents the model from generating target concepts given its text condition. Extensive experiments show that our method can successfully prevent the generation of the ablated concept while preserving closely related concepts in the model.
@inproceedings{kumari2023ablating,title={Ablating concepts in text-to-image diffusion models},author={Kumari, Nupur and Zhang, Bingliang and Wang, Sheng-Yu and Shechtman, Eli and Zhang, Richard and Zhu, Jun-Yan},booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision},pages={22691--22702},year={2023},tag1={ICCV},}
Continuously Discovering Novel Strategies via Reward-Switching Policy Optimization
Zhou, Wei
, Bingliang
, and Yi
In International Conference on Learning Representations , 2021
We present Reward-Switching Policy Optimization (RSPO), a paradigm to discover diverse strategies in complex RL environments by iteratively finding novel policies that are both locally optimal and sufficiently different from existing ones. To encourage the learning policy to consistently converge towards a previously undiscovered local optimum, RSPO switches between extrinsic and intrinsic rewards via a trajectory-based novelty measurement during the optimization process. When a sampled trajectory is sufficiently distinct, RSPO performs standard policy optimization with extrinsic rewards. For trajectories with high likelihood under existing policies, RSPO utilizes an intrinsic diversity reward to promote exploration. Experiments show that RSPO is able to discover a wide spectrum of strategies in a variety of domains, ranging from single-agent particle-world tasks and MuJoCo continuous control to multi-agent stag-hunt games and StarCraftII challenges.
@inproceedings{zhou2021continuously,title={Continuously Discovering Novel Strategies via Reward-Switching Policy Optimization},author={Zhou, Zihan and Fu, Wei and Zhang, Bingliang and Wu, Yi},booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},year={2021},tag1={ICLR},}